Selling at Auction
Daniel A. Carter Auctions & Appraisals, Inc.
Actively seeking consignments of Antiques – Collectibles – Fine Art – Estates – Collections – Guns – Coin Collections – Farming Machinery and Equipment – Automobiles – Timber – Real Estate.
From single items to entire estates or collections, we will consign or purchase out right for cash. Choosing an auctioneer who has the tools, skills and experience to make your dreams come true can be very challenging – Dan is an acknowledged marketing expert. Daniel A. Carter is one of WNY and PA Premier leading multi-purpose licensed and accredited auctioneer and appraiser, with extensive knowledge of selling everything from antiques – estates – farms – machinery -real estate and businesses. Dan has a successful auction track record of 30+ years producing specialized sales of yielding maximum price results and the most competitive commission rates in the trade with prompt full cash payments day of the auction. Our advertising and marketing strategies are easy to define – but hard to compare or imitate!We have a complete full time staff and support group of well qualified trained individuals who offer their expertise in all fields of marketing.
We have sold to clients from far away as the U.K. and other parts of the world, all parts of the U.S., numerous prominent families – Museums – and Historical Societies in NY, PA, and NJ. We offer free, very informative, evaluations and estimates for prospect auction merchandise. My goal is to obtain the ultimate marketing experience for our customers, both sellers and buyers.
Please feel free to contact us with if you’re considering selling.
Daniel A. Carter Auctions & Appraisals Inc.
PO Box 372
Allegany, NY 14706
Accedited Auctioneeer and Appraiser
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