May 15, 2021
9:30 am
Daniel A. Carter Auction & Event Center
(Exit 24 ramp off int. 86 ramp)
2383 West Five Mile Road Ext.
Allegany, NY 14706
Auction Details
** Tools – Equipment – Lawn & Garden – Farm Related Guns & Ammo – Construction – Estates – Antiques Households – Nursery Stock – Landscaping – Tractors Amish Sheds – Lots of Misc. **
** Anyone can consign to this auction.
This will be both an indoor and outdoor auction spread over our entire
11-acre complex **

Spring Tree, Fruit, Perennial & Shrub Auction
FRUIT TREES & BUSHES: Double Pick ’Sweetheart’ Blueberries; Everbearing Strawberries, Red Raspberries, ‘Contender’ Peach; ‘Honey Crisp’ Apple, ‘Keiffer Pear’ – more to come!
PERENNIALS!: So many strong hardy BLOOMING Perennials for you to choose from – Super Duper Lupines; Ostrich Hardy Fern; Fragrant Lavender; Red Peony; Blue Veronica ‘Royal Candles’; Red Dwarf Blanket Flower; Yellow Yarrow; Purple and Red Sweet Williams Dianthus; Red, Purple and Mixed Coneflowers; fragrant Dianthus – Red, White, Purple and Pink; Yellow Coreopsis; Dwarf Shasta Daisy; Purple and Yellow False Indigo; Hardy Red and Yellow Asiatic Lilies; Red and Purple Dwarf Bee Balm; Groundcover Sedum Combination; Clematis Vine; Astilbe Plume Flower; Blue and Rose Salvia Sage; and others! **Many perennials in bloom!**
FLOWERING, ORNAMENTAL and SPECIALTY SHRUBS: Here are some of the highlights with many being added by auction day!: ‘Baby Blue’ Spruce; KnockOut Double Red Roses; ’Black Knight’ Butterfly Bush; ‘Summer Crush’ Pink Reblooming Hydrangea; Fall Red Burning Bush; Red Honeysuckle Vine; Gold Mop Cypress; Purple Rose of Sharon; Weigela Wine & Roses; ‘Miss Kim’ Dwarf Korean Fragrant Lilac; Blue Wisteria Vine, Blue Arrow Upright Juniper; Orange Carefree Roses; Purple Rhododendron; Dwarf Globe Arborvitae; Golden Spirea; ‘Petite Red’ KnockOut Rose; ‘Sunblaze Yellow’ and ‘Rainbow’ Dwarf Roses; Green Mountain Boxwood; ’Pinky Winky’ and ’Bobo’ Sun Hydrangea; Variegated Japanese Dappled Willow; Fragrant Purple Lilac; – and more!
FLOWERING, SHADE and SPECIALTY TREES: ‘Bloodgood’ Red Japanese Maple; Pink Weeping Japanese Cherry; ‘Brandywine’ Fall Red Maple; Weeping Red Laceleaf Japanese Maple’; Corkscrew Willow; White Kousa Dogwood; Purple Beech Tree; White Rose of Sharon Tree; Pussywillow Tree; and more coming! Fresh and Healthy NEW stock! This is a great time to plant trees!
HEDGE PLANTS: Plant hedges to create your own Private Space! Screen with Green!‘Emerald Green’ and deer resistant ‘Green Giant’ Arborvitae
SPRING COLOR!: Beautiful selection of Hanging Baskets and Citronella Mosquito Plants!
Daniel A. Carter
“Area’s Estate Tag Sale Specialist”
Trusted * Licensed * Bonded * Insured
Over 35 yrs. Experience and Satisfied Customers
2383 West Five Mile Road Ext. Allegany, NY 14706
** Dan also offers Complete/Partial Buyouts & Estate Cleanout Services **