May 21, 2022
9:30 am
Daniel A Carter Auction & Event Center
(On Exit 24 Ramp - Off Interstate 86)
2383 West Five Mile Road Ext.
Allegany, NY 14706
2022 Spring Plant Auction to Include…
FRUIT TREES & BUSHES: Sweet Cherry Trees; Double Pick ’Sweetheart’ and ‘Northland’ Blueberries; Everbearing Strawberries, Red Raspberries, ‘Contender’ Peach; ‘Honey Crisp’, ‘Empire’, ‘Macintosh’ and Yellow Delicious Apple Trees, ‘Keiffer’ Pear Trees – more to come!
PERENNIALS!: So many strong hardy BLOOMING Perennials for you to choose from – Fragrant Blue Lavender; Red and Violet-Red Peony; Blue Veronica ‘Royal Candles’; Red Dwarf Blanket Flower; Red, Purple and Mixed Coneflowers; fragrant Dianthus – Red, White, Purple and Pink; Yellow Coreopsis; Japanese Painted Ferns; Purple Flag and ‘Butter and Sugar’ Iris; Red Honeysuckle Vine; Dwarf Shasta Daisy; Red and Purple Dwarf Bee Balm; Black Eye Susans; Japanese Painted Fern; Shasta Daisies; Coral Bells Caramel Orange and Magma Red; Clematis Vine; Blue Balloon Flower; Red Astilbe Plume Flower; Blue and Rose Salvia Sage; and others!
**Many perennials in bloom!**
FLOWERING, ORNAMENTAL and SPECIALTY SHRUBS: Here are some of the highlights with many being added by auction day!: KnockOut Double Red Roses; ’Black Knight’ Butterfly Bush; ‘Summer Crush’ Pink Reblooming Hydrangea; Fall Red Burning Bush; Red Honeysuckle Vine; Gold Mop Cypress; Purple and Blue Rose of Sharon; Weigela Wine & Roses; ‘Miss Kim’ Dwarf Korean Fragrant Lilac; Blue Wisteria Vine, Blue Arrow Upright Juniper; Rhododendron; Dwarf Globe Arborvitae; Golden Spirea; Yellow Hasslefree Roses; Green Mountain Boxwood; ’Pinky Winky’, Firelight and ’Bobo’ Sun Hydrangea; Variegated Japanese Dappled Willow; Fragrant Purple Lilac; – and more!
FLOWERING, SHADE and SPECIALTY TREES: ‘Bloodgood’ Red Japanese Maple; Weeping Red Japanese Maple; Pink Weeping Japanese Cherry; ‘Red Sunset’ Fall Red Maple; Pink Kousa Dogwood; Burgundy leaf Crimson Sunset Maple; Red and Purple Rose of Sharon Tree; White Kousa Dogwood; Magnolia Purple Tulip; Dawn Redwood; Snowball Viburnum Tree. Fresh and Healthy NEW stock! This is a great time to plant trees!
HEDGE PLANTS: Plant hedges to create your own Private Space! Screen with Green! ‘Emerald Green’ and deer resistant ‘Green Giant’ Arborvitae

Daniel A. Carter
Founder of Carter Auctions of WNY
2383 West Five Mile Road Ext. Allegany, NY 14706
716-372-5059 / 716-307-9903